View Patient Encounter

A Patient Encounter includes an Encounter Form, which consists of one or more Encounter pages, each of which contains one or more Encounter Elements.

Encounter Elements and Encounter Forms are defined in the Encounter Manager module. For more information, click here.


  1. To view a Patient Encounter, you must first find a Patient Record. For help, click here.
  2. For the desired Patient Record, click the View button or anywhere on the Patient Record row, except the Edit button.
  3. The View Patient Record window displays in the Contents Pane, with Patient Last Name highlighted.

    • The Open Windows list updates to display View Patient Record.
    • The Patient Navigation list displays the selected patient's name and a navigation tree for accessing the patient's Record, Encounters, Optical, Medications and Cataract Surgery Sheet.

      Note: For those patients who have not had cataract surgery, a message to this effect displays when Cataracts Surgery Sheet is clicked.
    • The Status Bar updates to include the Task Manager.

  1. In the Patient Navigation list, click the Expand icon next to Encounters to expand the navigation tree.

  2. Click View All Encounters or View Last Encounter.

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View All Encounters

  1. Click to display the Encounters window. For complete information on this window, including how to use the Filter By tab, click here.

    • The Encounters window displays in the Contents Pane.
    • The Patient Details icon is active.
    • The Filter By tab displays below the patient name.
    • The Patient Encounters tab displays below the Filter By tab, listing the Patient Encounters in ascending chronological order.
    • The Open Windows list displays Encounters.

  1. For the Encounter you wish to view, click the View button or anywhere on the Encounter record row, except the Edit or Delete buttons.

    • The Exam Navigator displays in the Left Pane.
    • The View Encounter window displays in the Contents Pane.
    • View-only items display as grayed-out.
    • The Rolodex indicates which Encounter is displayed of the total number of Patient Encounters. For example, in the screen shot below, the first Patient Encounter of a total of seven Patient Encounters displays ("Record 1 of 7").

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View Last Encounter

Click to display the most recent Encounter for this patient.

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Main toolbar

Use the Rolodex to view another Encounter for this patient.

Click the corresponding button to perform these common tasks:

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Print Encounter

Click the Print button to display the Print Documents popup.

  1. Select whether to print the Encounter Summary.

    Note: This Summary displays data for only those Elements that have data entered in them (it does not display Elements which do not have data).
  2. Select the Documents to print.
  3. Click OK to print the Documents.
  4. Click Close to close the popup without printing Documents.

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Secondary toolbar

In the Secondary toolbar, these icons are active:

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Type and Page

These fields display to the right of the Lock Encounter icon.

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General Patient information

Field descriptions, left to right:

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Patient Alerts

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Encounter Page Elements

The Encounter Elements of the currently-selected Encounter page display in the Contents Pane. These fields are view-only.

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Task Manager bar

The Task Manager bar displays in the Status bar, at the bottom of the View Encounter window.

The Task Manager provides real-time information about where the patient is (Room), who the patient is with (Owner) and what procedure the patient is undergoing (Task - Status).

For more information, click here.

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