MaximEyes® SQL - Electronic Health Records

Exam Navigator

The Exam Navigator lists in alphabetical order all the Encounter elements by Encounter page. There are three types of Encounter pages listed in the Exam Navigator, designated by different colors:

Expand/Collapse Encounter page type navigation trees

Click the desired page type name at the top of the Exam Navigator to quickly expand or collapse the navigation tree for all the Encounter pages and their elements of that type.

     For example, to quickly expand the navigation trees for all the History encounter pages that are part of the new Patient Encounter, click History at the top of the Exam Navigator.
  • The navigation trees for all the History encounter pages expand, displaying the list of history pages and their elements.
  • The navigation trees for the Exam and Other encounter pages do not expand.

To quickly collapse the navigation trees for all the History encounter pages, click History at the top of the Exam Navigator.

Expand and collapse individual navigation trees by clicking the Expand and Collapse icons.

Note: To display an Encounter page or element in the Contents Pane (other than the first Encounter page), you must click its name in the Exam Navigator.

Navigate to Encounter pages

To navigate to another Patient Encounter page, click the corresponding page name in the Exam Navigator.

To navigate to another Patient Encounter page, click the corresponding page name in the Exam Navigator.

Note: The screen shot below is of the New Encounter window. This information is also true for the Edit Encounter and View Encounters windows.

Note: When an Encounter page is selected, all of its Elements may not display in the Contents Pane, depending on the number and type of Elements the page contains. To view an Encounter page Element that is not visible in the Contents Pane, do one of the following:

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