Edit Encounter Type Overview

General information

Encounter Types enable the user to categorize different kinds of Encounters. They are edited from within the Edit Encounter Type window.

Several attributes of an Encounter Type can be edited:

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Navigating to the Edit Encounter Type Window

There are two ways to navigate to the Edit Encounter Type window:

From the Encounter Types Window

  1. Open the Encounter Types window (for help, click here).

    After opening the Encounter Types window, you can filter the list of displayed types, if desired (for help, click here).

  1. Click the Edit button in the row of the Encounter Type you wish to edit.

    • The Edit Encounter Type window displays in the Contents Pane.
    • The cursor is in the Name field.
    • The Open Windows list updates to display Edit Encounter Type.

  1. Make changes as desired.
  2. To close the Edit Encounter Type window and save changes, click the Save button on the Main toolbar.

    • The Edit Encounter Type window closes.
    • The View Encounter Type window displays in the Contents Pane.
    • View Encounter Type replaces Edit Encounter Type in the Open Windows list.
  3. To close the Edit Encounter Type window without saving changes, click the Cancel button on the Main toolbar.

    • A warning displays, asking you to confirm closing without saving changes. Click the Yes button to confirm.
    • The Edit Encounter Type window closes.
    • The View Encounter Type window displays in the Contents Pane.
    • View Encounter Type replaces Edit Encounter Type in the Open Windows list.

For more information on editing an Encounter Type, click here.

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From the View Encounter Type Window

  1. Open the Encounter Types window (for help, click here).

    After opening the Encounter Types window, you can filter the list of displayed types, if desired (for help, click here).

  1. For the Encounter Type you wish to edit, click the View button or anywhere on the Encounter Type row, except the Copy , Edit or Delete buttons.

    • The View Encounter Type window displays in the Contents Pane.
    • The cursor is in the Name field.
    • The Open Windows list updates to display View Encounter Type.

  1. From the View Encounter Type window, do one of the following:

    1. Click the Setup Form Normal Values button in the Encounter Type Details tab to set up Form Normal values for the Encounter Type.

      • The View Encounter Type window closes.
      • The Setup Form Normal Values popup displays on top of the Edit Encounter Type window.
      • View Encounter Type replaces Edit Encounter Type in the Open Windows list.
      For more information, click here.

    2. Click the Add Document Template button in the Document Templates for this Encounter Type tab to add a Document Template for the Encounter Type.

      • The View Encounter Type window closes.
      • The Associate Document Template for Encounter Type [Name] popup displays on top of the Edit Encounter Type window.
      • The cursor is in the Document Type field drop-down list.
      • View Encounter Type replaces Edit Encounter Type in the Open Windows list.
      For more information, click here.

    3. Click the Edit button on the Main toolbar.

      • The View Encounter Type window closes.
      • The Edit Encounter Type window displays.
      • The cursor is in the Name field of the Encounter Type Details tab.
      • The Open Windows list updates to display Edit Encounter Type.
      For more information, click here.

  2. Make changes as desired.
  3. To close the Edit Encounter Type window and save changes, click the Save button on the Main toolbar.

    • The Edit Encounter Type window closes.
    • The View Encounter Type window displays in the Contents Pane.
    • View Encounter Type replaces Edit Encounter Type in the Open Windows list.
  4. To close the Edit Encounter Type window without saving changes, click the Cancel button on the Main toolbar.

    • A warning displays, asking you to confirm closing without saving changes. Click the Yes button to confirm.
    • The Edit Encounter Type window closes.
    • The View Encounter Type window displays in the Contents Pane.
    • View Encounter Type replaces Edit Encounter Type in the Open Windows list.

For more information on editing an Encounter Type, click here.

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