Setup Form Normal Values

General information

Normal values can be defined for a specific Encounter Form associated with a specific Encounter Type. Being able to quickly input Normal values for a variety of Encounter Elements is a real time-saver when creating a new Patient Encounter Form.

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Form Normal values vs. Element Normal values

Form Normal values

An Encounter Form is a collection of Encounter Elements. An Encounter Form can have multiple pages (sections), and each Encounter page must have at least one Encounter Element.

An Encounter Form can be associated with an Encounter Type. For those Elements on an Encounter Form that support Normal values, the user can specify the Element Normal values, which in turn are specific to the Encounter Form and Encounter Type with which they (the Elements) are associated.

As part of the Create New Encounter process, the Form Normal values for an Encounter Form can be quickly filled in:

For more information, click here.

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Element Normal values

Element Normal values apply to just the Element and are populated by clicking the Normal button for each Element.

This is done as part of the Edit Encounter Type process:

Note: Element Normal values only apply to this Element as it is part of the Encounter Form associated with its particular Encounter Type. Therefore, an Element could have different Form Normal values for each form of which it is part.

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