Edit Encounter Type

For an overview of editing an Encounter Type, click here.


  1. Open the Edit Encounter Type window for the Encounter Type you wish to edit (for help, click here).

    • The Edit Encounter Type window displays in the Contents Pane.

      • The Encounter Type Details tab, which contains the Setup Form Normal Values button, displays in the upper half of the window.
      • The Document Templates for this Encounter Type tab, which contains the Add Document Template button, displays in the lower half of the window.
    • The cursor is in the Name field.
    • The Open Windows list updates to display Edit Encounter Type.

  1. Make changes as desired to the Encounter Type Details tab or the Document Templates for this Encounter Type tab.
  2. To save changes to the Encounter Type, click the Save button on the Main toolbar.

    • The Edit Encounter Type window closes.
    • The View Encounter Type window displays in the Contents Pane.
    • The Left Pane displays the Open Windows list with View Encounter Type.
  3. To close the Edit Encounter Type window without saving changes, click the Cancel button on the Main toolbar.

    • If you have made changes and have not yet saved them, a warning displays, asking you to confirm closing without saving changes. Click the Yes button to confirm.
    • The Edit Encounter Type window closes.
    • The View Encounter Type window displays in the Contents Pane.
    • The Open Windows list in the Left Pane displays View Encounter Type.

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Encounter Type Details tab

The following fields can be edited. Required fields are marked with a red asterisk. *

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Setup Form Normal Values

For an Encounter Type, Form Normal values can be specified for each of its Form Elements that support Normal values.

The assigned value is only valid for that Element as part of the Form and Encounter Type with which it is associated. Therefore, an Element could have different Form Normal values for each form of which it is part.

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Elements that support Normal values

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Elements that do NOT support Normal values

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Edit Setup Form Normal Values

  1. Click the Setup Form Normal Values button. The Setup Form Normal Values popup displays on top of the Edit Encounter Type window.

  1. Select the desired Encounter Form Page by clicking its name tab in the horizontal list of pages.

    • The selected Page name displays highlighted in blue.
    • If the desired page does not display in the list, use the left and right arrows at the right end of the horizontal Page name list to scroll through the list.

  1. Make changes as desired.
  2. To close the Setup Form Normal Values popup and save changes, click the OK button.

    • The Setup Form Normal Values popup closes.
    • The Edit Encounter Type window displays in the Contents Pane.
  3. To close the Setup Form Normal Values popup without saving changes, click the Cancel button.

    • A warning displays, asking you to confirm closing without saving changes. Click the Yes button to confirm.
    • The Setup Form Normal Values popup closes.
    • The Edit Encounter Type window displays in the Contents Pane.
  4. Continue selecting Pages and their Elements to edit.

Click here to see a detailed Setup Form Normal Values editing example.

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Document Templates for this Encounter Type tab

The user can associate multiple Document Templates (as set up in the Office Admin Document Management Document Templates module) with an Encounter Type, as well as the various Recipients and sending mode/method for each. These Documents will automatically appear in the Final Outbound Documents Element when the Patient Encounter is created using the Encounter Type.

This tab provides a summary of the information found on the Associated Document Template for Encounter Type [Name] popup. Use this tab to Add, Edit or Delete a Document Template.

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Add Document Template

  1. Click the Add Document Template button to add a Document Template for the Encounter Type.

    • The Associate Document Template for Encounter Type [Name] popup displays on top of the Edit Encounter Type window.
    • The cursor is in the Document Type drop-down list.

  1. Make changes as desired (for help, click here).

    • To save the added the Document and add another Document, click the Add Document & Continue button.

      • The Associate Document Template for Encounter Type [Name] popup displays.
      • The fields are reset.
      • The cursor is in the Document Type drop-down list.
    • To add a Document and close the popup, click the Add Document & Close button.

      • The Associate Document Template for Encounter Type [Name] popup closes.
      • The Edit Encounter Type window displays.
    • To close the popup without saving changes, click the Cancel button.

      • A warning displays, asking you to confirm closing without saving changes. Click the Yes button to confirm.
      • The Associate Document Template for Encounter Type [Name] popup closes.
      • The Edit Encounter Type window displays.

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Edit Document Template

  1. Click the Edit button in the Document Template name row.

    • The Edit Associated Document Template for Encounter Type [Name] popup displays on top of the Edit Encounter Type window.
    • The cursor is in the Document Type drop-down list.

  1. Make changes as desired (for help, click here).

    • To save the edited Document and close the popup, click the Update Document & Close button.

      • The Edit Associated Document Template for Encounter Type [Name] popup closes.
      • The Edit Encounter Type window displays.
    • To close the popup without saving changes, click the Cancel button.

      • A warning displays, asking you to confirm closing without saving changes. Click the Yes button to confirm.
      • The Edit Associated Document Template for Encounter Type [Name] popup closes.
      • The Edit Encounter Type window displays.

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Delete Document Template

When a Document Template is deleted, only the link between the Document and the Encounter Type is removed. The Document Template and the Encounter Type ARE NOT deleted from the system.

Click the Delete button in the Document Template name row. A warning displays.

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