Edit Encounter Type

Setup Form Normal Values editing example

  1. From the Encounter Types window, select to edit the Encounter Type, Eye Exam Optometry with CL.

  1. Click the Setup Form Normal Values button. The Setup Form Normal Values popup displays on top of the Edit Encounter Type window.

    • Eye Exam Optometry with CL is associated with the Encounter Form, Eye Exam Optometry with CL.
    • The Eye Exam Optometry with CL Encounter Form consists of several Form pages, including Preliminaries.

  1. Click Preliminaries in the horizontal tab list of Form Page names. It displays highlighted in blue.

  1. One of the Encounter Elements found on the Preliminaries Form page is Pupils, which supports Normal values. This is designated by:

    • The Set Normal Values for this element button displays in the upper-right corner of the Pupils Element.
    • Field labels that are active (not grayed-out).

  2. If the Normal Values for Pupils have been set up in the Encounter Elements module, those values display.
  3. Change these values by doing one of the following:

    • Click the Open Data Entry Screen icon in the upper-right corner of the Pupils Encounter Element and enter new values. For help on using the Data Entry screen, click here.
    • Select fields individually (by using the Tab key or left mouse button) and then select the desired values from the drop-down list.
    • Enter values using the keyboard.
    Note: To reset the values to the Normal values, click the Set Normal Values for this element button.

  4. To close the Setup Form Normal Values popup and save changes, click the OK button.

    • The Setup Form Normal Values popup closes.
    • The Edit Encounter Type window displays in the Contents Pane.
  5. To close the Setup Form Normal Values popup without saving changes, click the Cancel button.

    • A warning displays, asking you to confirm closing without saving changes. Click the Yes button to confirm.
    • The Setup Form Normal Values popup closes.
    • The Edit Encounter Type window displays in the Contents Pane.

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