Copy Encounter Type

The Copy Encounter Type feature allows you to quickly create a new Encounter Type based on an existing Encounter Type.

  1. Open the Encounter Types window (for help, click here). The Encounter Types window displays in the Contents Pane.

  1. Filter the list of displayed types, if desired (for help, click here).
  2. For the Encounter Type you wish to copy, click the Copy button on the Encounter Type row.

    • The New Encounter Type window for the selected Encounter Type displays in the Contents Pane.
    • Copy of [Selected Type Name] displays in the Name field.
    • The Name field is highlighted.

  1. Enter a unique name in the Name field.
  2. Optionally, enter a description of the Encounter Type in the Description field.
  3. Select an Encounter Form with which to associate the new Encounter Type.
  4. If desired, set up Form Normal values for the selected Encounter Form (for help, click here).
  5. If desired, add Document Templates to the new Encounter Type (for help, click here).
  6. To close the New Encounter Type window and save changes, click the Save button.

    • The New Encounter Type window closes.
    • The View Encounter Type window displays in the Contents Pane. For more information, click here.
    • The Name field is highlighted.
    • The Rolodex in the Main toolbar displays the updated count of Encounter types on the system.
    • The Open Windows list in the Left Pane displays View Encounter Type.
    • The new Encounter Type name displays at the end of the Encounter Types list in the Encounter Types window.
  7. To close the New Encounter Type window without making a copy, click the Cancel button.

    • The New Encounter Type window closes.
    • The Encounter Types window displays in the Contents Pane.
    • The Open Windows list in the Left Pane displays Encounter Types.

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