Set Up Encounter Forms

An Encounter Form is a collection of Encounter Elements. An Encounter Form can have multiple pages (sections), and each Encounter Page must have at least one Encounter Element.

There are two types of Encounter pages:

An Encounter Form can be associated with an Encounter Type or a Face Sheet.

The Encounter Forms Window

The Encounter Forms window lists all the Encounter Forms that are on the system. From this window, you can copy, view, edit or delete Encounter Forms.

  1. Open the Encounter Forms window (for help, click here).

    • The Encounter Forms window displays in the Contents Pane.
    • In the Filter By tab, Show All Forms is selected.
    • The Encounter Forms tab displays below the Filter By tab. All the Encounter Forms on the system are listed, in alphabetical order.
    • The Open Windows list displays Encounter Forms.
  1. To close the Encounter Forms window, click the Close button on the Main toolbar.

    Note: Until you close the Encounter Forms window, it will appear in the Open Windows list (even if it is not displayed in the Contents Pane).

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Filter By tab

By default, when you open the Encounter Forms window, all Encounter Forms display. To narrow the list of displayed forms, click the radio button to the left of the criteria by which you wish to filter the list.

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Encounter Forms Tab

This tab lists all the Encounter Forms on the system, with this information for each:

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Create New Encounter Form

Create a new Encounter Form by doing either of the following:

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Copy Encounter Form

  1. For the Encounter Form you wish to copy, click the Copy button in its row.
  2. The New Encounter Form window displays in the Contents Pane, with Copy of [Selected Form Name] in the Name field.
  3. To close the New Encounter Form window without making a copy, click the Cancel button.

    For more information, click here.

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View Encounter Form

  1. For the Encounter Form you wish to view, click the View button in its row or anywhere on its row, except the Copy, Edit or Delete buttons.
  2. The View Encounter Form window for the selected Encounter Form displays in the Contents Pane.

    For more information, click here.

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Edit Encounter Form

  1. For the Encounter Form you wish to edit, click the Edit button in its row.
  2. The Edit Encounter Form window for the selected Encounter Form displays in the Contents Pane.

    For more information, click here.

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Delete Encounter Form

Only Encounter Forms that are not linked to an Encounter Type can be deleted.

If you try to delete an Encounter Form that is linked to an Encounter Type, an error message displays. Click the OK button to close the error message and return to the Encounter Forms window.

To delete an Encounter Form that is not linked to an Encounter Type:

  1. For the Encounter Form you wish to delete, click the Delete button in its row.
  2. Click the Yes button to confirm the delete.

    • The Encounter Forms window displays.
    • The deleted Encounter Form no longer displays in the list.
  3. Click the No button to cancel the delete and return to the Encounter Forms window.

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