Edit Encounter Form

For an overview of editing an Encounter Form, click here.


  1. Open the Edit Encounter Form window (for help, click here).

    • The Edit Encounter Form window displays in the Contents Pane.
    • The Secondary toolbar displays the Select Encounter Pages and View Usage buttons.
    • The cursor is in the Name field.
    • The Enter Initial Data link displays below the Name field.
    • The name tab of the first page of the Encounter Form displays highlighted in blue.
    • The Exam Elements and History Elements lists display in the Left Pane.
    • The Main tab displays at the bottom of the Left Pane. Click it to view the Open Windows list, which displays Edit Encounter Form.

      Note: When you click the Main tab, the Edit Encounter Form window continues to display in the Contents Pane. Click the Select Elements tab again to display the Exam Elements and History Elements lists.

  1. Make changes as desired by:

  2. To save changes to the Encounter Form, click the Save button in the Main toolbar.

    • The Edit Encounter Form window closes.
    • The View Encounter Form window displays in the Contents Pane.
    • The Select Elements lists in the Left Pane closes.
    • The Open Windows in the Left Pane displays View Encounter Form.
  3. To close the Edit Encounter Form window without saving changes, click the Cancel button on the Main toolbar.

    • If you have made changes and have not yet saved them, a warning displays, asking you to confirm closing without saving changes. Click the Yes button to confirm.
    • The Edit Encounter Form window closes.
    • The View Encounter Form window displays in the Contents Pane.
    • The Select Elements list in the Left Pane closes.
    • The Open Windows list in the Left Pane displays View Encounter Form.

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Secondary toolbar

Use to perform these actions:

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Select Encounter Pages button

Click this button to add a page to/delete a page from the Encounter Form.

Note: An added Encounter Page must contain at least one Encounter Element. If it does not, when you save the Encounter Form, the added page will not be saved.

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View Usage button

To view the Encounter types to which the Encounter Form is linked, click the View Usage button in the Secondary toolbar.

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Name and Description fields

Use these fields to change the Encounter Form name and/or description.

Note: All Encounter Form names must be unique. If you try to save an Encounter Form using an existing form name, an error message will display.

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Horizontal page list

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Enter Initial Data link

Click this link to change the Initial Data for the Elements of the selected Encounter Form page.

  1. To select a page, click its Page Name tab in the horizontal list.

    • If the desired page does not display in the list, use the left and right arrows at the right end of the horizontal Page Name list to scroll through the list.
    • The selected page is highlighted in blue.
  2. The Enter Initial Data link is replaced by three links: Design Encounter Form, Discard Initial Data Changes and Clear Initial Data.

  3. The Edit Encounter Form: Entering Initial Data window displays.

    • The Exam Elements and History Elements lists display in the Left Pane.
    • The Main tab displays at the bottom of the Left Pane. Click it to view the Open Windows list, which displays Edit Encounter Form.

      Note: When you click the Main tab, the Edit Encounter Form window continues to display in the Contents Pane. Click the Select Elements tab again to display the Exam Elements and History Elements lists.
    • If an Element does not support the Initial Data feature, it displays as disabled (the Element component label is grayed-out).

      In the example below, the Glare - Brief Element field labels (Method, Glare Setting, OD and OS) are grayed-out because they do not support Initial Data values.
  1. For each Element that does support Initial Data values, enter those values by:

    • Selecting its fields individually (by using the Tab key or left mouse button) and selecting the desired values from the drop-down list or entering them using the keyboard.
    • If displayed, clicking the Open Data Entry screen icon and entering values.
    • If displayed, clicking the Set Normal values for this element icon. The fields are automatically populated with the values defined in the Encounter Elements module.

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Clearing data

There are several ways to clear data from the fields of an Element, depending on the data input method for the Element:

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Continue editing the Encounter Form

Note: To edit Initial Values after returning to the Edit Encounter Form window, click the Enter Initial Data link.

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Add, Position and Delete Encounter Elements

Navigating the Left Pane

The Left Pane of the Edit Encounter Form window contains the Exam and History Elements lists, as well as tabs to quickly navigate between the main Left Pane Navigation and the Select Elements pane.

  • The Exam Elements list is selected by default.

  • Use the Scroll Up and Scroll Down icons to move through the Elements lists.

  • Click the History Elements label to select it. The label automatically moves to underneath the Exam Elements label.

  • To switch to the main Left Pane view, click the Main tab at the bottom of the Left Pane. The Edit Encounter Form window continues to display in the Contents Pane.

  • The Left Pane now displays the Shortcuts, Open Windows and Patient Navigation lists.

  • The Contents Pane continues to display the Edit Encounter Form that is being modified.

  • To return to the Elements lists, click the Select Elements tab.

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Add an Encounter Element to an Encounter Form page

Elements can be easily added to an Encounter Form page by dragging and dropping the Element onto the page.

  1. Select the Encounter Form page by clicking the Page Name tab. The selected tab displays highlighted in blue.
  2. From the Element list in the Left Pane, drag and drop Elements one at a time onto the right pane below the selected Encounter Form page.
  3. As needed, horizontal and vertical scroll bars appear around the Encounter Form page design area as Elements are added to each page.

Note: The system will not allow you to add duplicate Elements to an Encounter Form page.

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Position an Encounter Element

  1. Left-click the Element to select it.

    • The Element is highlighted.
    • When the mouse hovers over the Element, it changes to a four-headed arrow.
  2. Use the keyboard arrows to move the Element to the desired position.

    Alternatively, left-click the Element to move and, while holding the mouse button down, drag the Element into position.
  3. To de-select the Element, click anywhere on the currently-selected Encounter page outside the Element.

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Add Elements to additional Encounter Form pages

  1. To select another page to which to add Elements, click its Page Name tab in the horizontal list below the Enter Initial Data link.

    • If the desired page does not display in the list, use the left and right arrows at the right end of the horizontal Page Name list to scroll through the list.
    • The selected page is highlighted in blue.
  2. Continue adding Elements to the page(s) using the methods described above.

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Remove an Encounter Element from an Encounter Page

  1. Right-click the Element you wish to remove.
  2. Select Remove This Element from the drop-down list.

The Element no longer displays on the page.

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Save changes to the Encounter Form

Click the Save button in the Edit Encounter Form Main toolbar.

Note: To save changes made using the Edit Encounter Form window, you must click the Save button in the Edit Encounter Form Main toolbar.

The View Encounter Form window displays in the Contents Pane. For more information, click here.

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