View Encounter Form


  1. Open the Encounter Forms window (for help, click here). The Encounter Forms window displays in the Contents Pane.

  1. Filter the list of displayed Encounter Forms, if desired (for help, click here).
  2. For the Encounter Form you wish to view, click the View button or anywhere on the Encounter Form row, except the Copy, Edit, or Delete buttons.

    • The View Encounter Form window for the selected form displays in the Contents Pane.
    • The Name field is highlighted.
    • In the Secondary toolbar, the Select Encounter Pages and View Usage buttons display above the Name field.
    • The Open Windows list updates to display View Encounter Form.

  1. To close the View Encounter Form window, click the Close button on the Main toolbar.

    Note: Until you close the View Encounter Form window, it will appear in the Open Windows list (even if it is not displayed in the Contents Pane).

    The exception to this is if you edit an Encounter Form. In that case, the Edit Encounter window displays in the Contents Pane, and the Left Pane displays the Select Elements tab and the Exam and History elements lists.

    When you click the Main tab , the Edit Encounter Form replaces View Encounter Form in the Open Windows list. For more information, click here.

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Create new Encounter Form

  1. Click the New button in the Main toolbar.
  2. The New Encounter Form window displays, with the Select Encounter Pages popup on top. For help, click here.

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Edit Encounter Form

  1. Click the Edit button in the Main toolbar.
  2. The Edit Encounter Form window displays. For help, click here.

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Delete Encounter Form

Only Encounter Forms that are not linked to an Encounter Type can be deleted.

If you try to delete an Encounter Form that is linked to an Encounter Type, an error message displays. Click the OK button to close the error message and return to the Encounter Forms window.

There are two ways to delete an Encounter Form:

In both cases, a warning displays after clicking the button, prompting you to confirm the deletion.

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Secondary toolbar

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Name and Description

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Horizontal page list

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