Cataract Surgery Request Element

The Cataract Surgery Request Element is filled out during a Patient Encounter when the decision is made that cataract surgery will be performed.


  1. Find the desired Patient Record. For help, click here.
  2. Create a new Encounter or select an Encounter to edit.
  3. Navigate to the Encounter form page that contains the Cataract Surgery Request Element (for help, click here). The Cataract Surgery Request Element displays in the Contents pane.

  1. Complete the Element fields as desired, by entering data directly into the Element fields or the Data Entry Screen.
  2. When finished, save the Encounter.

    • The data in the Cataract Surgery Request Element is transferred to the patient's Cataract Surgery Sheet.
    • All Tasks created using the Send Task link are sent to the appropriate staff for completion and display in their My Task list.

Note: The Auxiliary Tests Element may also be used to enter an Order for other tests, such as Topography. When the Encounter is saved, a Task is sent to the appropriate staff person to complete the Order.

Note: When a Task or Order is completed, a Task is automatically sent to the doctor to inform him/her.

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Data Entry

Using the Element fields

Click these fields to display a drop-down list from which to select the desired value:

Type the desired text directly into these fields:

Note: As needed, use the scroll bar at the right to view the complete text.

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Using the Data Entry Screen

  1. Click the Open Data Entry Screen icon in the upper-right corner of the Element. The Cataract Surgery Request - Data Entry popup displays.

    • The cursor is in the Procedures field, which is highlighted in pink.
    • When selected, the Diagnoses field is also highlighted in pink.
    • When selected, the Surgery Site, Refractive Goal, Schedule Within, Recommendations and Notes fields highlighted in light green.
    • When a value is selected, it is highlighted in gray.
    • As needed, use the scroll bar on the right of the field to scroll up and down.

  1. Make selections and enter data as desired.
  2. To edit the Value List for a field, click its respective Edit List link.
  3. To close the popup without saving changes, click the Cancel button. The Cataract Surgery Request Element displays.
  4. To close the popup and save changes, click the OK button. The Cataract Surgery Request Element displays.

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Edit the Element

Do one of the following:

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Send Task link

  1. Click the Send Task link in the upper-right corner of the Element. The Cataract Surgery Task popup displays.

  2. Fill out the Cataract Surgery Task popup to send a Task to other staff members (for help, click here). Tasks may include:

    • Schedule the surgery
    • Consult and educate the patient on various Intraocular Lens (IOL) options
    • Discuss Consent Forms
  3. To close the popup without saving changes, click the Cancel button. The Cataract Surgery Request Element displays.
  4. To close the popup and save changes, click the OK button. The Cataract Surgery Request Element displays.

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