Cataract Surgery Workflow

During the Patient Encounter (either a Cataract Evaluation Exam or a regular exam), the decision is made to have cataract surgery done.


To view a diagram showing the Cataract Surgery Workflow, click here.

  1. Fill out the Cataract Surgery Request Element found on the Encounter Form (for more information, click here).
    • Click the Send Task link on the Cataract Surgery Request Element to create Tasks that must be performed prior to the cataract surgery.
    • If needed, use the Auxiliary Tests Element on the Encounter Form to enter an order for other tests, such as Topography (for more information, click here).

  2. Save the Encounter when it is finished. When the Encounter is saved:

    • The information from the Cataract Surgery Request is transferred to the patient's Cataract Surgery Sheet (for more information, click here).
    • All Tasks that were created using the Cataract Surgery Request Element and Auxiliary Tests Element:

      • Are sent to the assigned staff person to complete.
      • Display in the respective owner's My Task List.
  3. The following requisite Tasks are complete (have a Status of Completed):

    • Any Tasks that were generated in the Cataract Surgery Request Element.
    • Any Tasks that were generated in the Auxiliary Tests Element.

  4. The Task, "Ready for Cat. Surg. Plan," is automatically sent to the doctor.

  5. On the Plan tab of the Cataract Surgery Sheet:

    1. Review all the data from the patient's test results and measurements.
    2. If an astigmatism correction is necessary, enter the required information on the Astigmatism Corr. tab.

      • As needed, launch the 3D Precision Draw tool to draw the Arc information and/or launch the eFile Manager to associate eFiles with the Cataract Surgery Sheet.
    3. Using all the available information on the Cataract Surgery Sheet, choose and enter the Selected IOLs.

      • Optionally, use the IOL Matrix tabs to choose an IOL Model and enter various powers and targets for each eye.
  6. Click the Surgery Form link on the IOL Selection tab to select and print a surgery form, which includes all the necessary information from the Cataract Surgery Sheet for the day of surgery.

  7. On the day of surgery, create a new Cataract Surgery Encounter and use the Cataract Surgery Element to enter information about the actual IOL that was implanted.

    • Click the Show eFiles icon on the Cataract Surgery Element to scan the IOL stickers that were used.
    • For reference, the Cataract Surgery Element data is automatically copied to the Surgery tab on the Cataract Surgery Sheet.

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