Cataract Surgery Request - Send Task

Fill out the Cataract Surgery Task popup to send a Task to other staff members. Tasks may include:

Note: The Auxiliary Tests Element may also be used to enter an Order for other tests, such as Topography. When the Encounter is saved, a Task is sent to the appropriate staff person to complete the Order.

Note: When a Task or Order is completed, a Task is automatically sent to the doctor to inform him/her.

Note: Tasks cannot be edited; they can only be added or deleted.


  1. Display the Cataract Surgery Task popup by clicking the Send Task link on the Cataract Surgery Request Element.

  1. Complete the desired fields.

    • Required fields are marked with a red asterisk. *
    • To edit the Value List for the Send Task or To fields, click their respective Edit List links.
  2. Click the Add button to add the Task. The added Task displays in the Tasks to be sent when this encounter is saved grid at the bottom of the popup.
  3. Continue adding Tasks, as desired.

  4. To close the popup without saving changes, click the Cancel button. The Cataract Surgery Request Element displays.
  5. To close the popup and save changes, click the OK button. The Cataract Surgery Request Element displays.

Note: When the Encounter is saved, all Tasks created using the Send Task link are sent to the appropriate staff for completion and display in their My Task list.

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Delete Task

  1. For the Task you wish to delete, click the Delete button in its row.
  2. Click the Yes button to confirm the delete.

    • The Cataract Surgery Task popup displays.
    • The deleted Task no longer displays in the grid.
  3. Click the No button to cancel the delete and return to the Cataract Surgery Task popup.

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