MaximEyes® SQL - Electronic Health Records

Table of Contents | Glossary

Inputting data

For the Data Element found on each Encounter Form page listed in the Exam Navigator of a Patient Encounter, use the methods listed below to do the following:

For help on displaying Encounter Form pages, click here.

For a list of Encounter Elements that have special functionality associated with them and their respective icons/buttons, click here.

Method Icon/Link Description
3D Precision Draw Click to invoke the 3D Precision Draw tool.
Add Link Click to create a new tab and enter more data.
Apply Form Normal Values Note: This icon is active only in new Patient Encounters.

Click to quickly apply Form Normal values to all new patient Encounter Elements that support them.
  • This icon is located at the far-left end of the Secondary toolbar of the New Encounter window.
  • Encounter Element Normal Values are defined in the Office Admin Encounter Admin Encounter Manager Setup Encounter Elements module.
  • These values can be over-written, manually or by clicking the Set Normal Values for this Element icon in the upper-right corner of the Element.
  • For help on setting up Form Normal Values, click here.
Clear All Link Click to clear all data from the Element.
Clear Data Click to clear all field values.
Copy Data From Click to display a drop-down list. Select the source from which to copy data into the current tab.
Copy Data To Click to display a drop-down list. Select the destination to which to copy the data in the current tab.
Copy Previous Encounter Data Note: This icon is active only in new Patient Encounters.

Click to select a previous Encounter for the patient and copy the History data only into the Encounter being created.
Data Entry Link Link Click to display the Data Entry popup for the Element, which may contain more than one tab and a section for Notes. Data can be entered by selecting items from check box lists. Typically, only one item can be selected. (See Element-Specific Features for exceptions to this rule.)
Data Entry Screen Those Elements that support user-entered data display the Open Data Entry screen icon.

Click to display the Data Entry popup for the Element. Data can be entered by selecting items from check box lists. Typically, only one item can be selected. (See Element-Specific Features for exceptions to this rule.)
  • To edit the value list for an item, click the Edit List link at the bottom of the check box list.
  • To close the popup and save changes, click the OK button.
  • To close the popup without saving changes, click the Cancel button.
E&M Code Checker Click to invoke the E&M Code Checker to validate an existing E/M Code entered in the Final Procedures Element. If no E/M Code is entered in the Final Procedures Element, one may be suggested, depending on the data entered into the Encounter Form.
Export Equipment data Click to export auto refractor data for the patient to third-party equipment. For more information, see MaximEyes Equipment Interface (MEI).
Full View or
Click to open a popup window that displays all data for the selected Element.
Get Latest Data Click to get the most recently-recorded data for this patient for this Element.
Graph Click to open a popup window displaying a graph of all data for this Element.
Import Equipment data Click to import any unprocessed equipment data. For more information, see MaximEyes® Equipment Interface (MEI).
Keyboard N/A Where applicable, directly type the data into the Element. For example, for the Chief Complaint Element, you may directly type text into the Patient Chief Complaint and HPI Notes fields.
Launch E-Prescribe Click to launch the E-Prescribe Browser, then navigate to the Rcopia® site.

Note: To use E-Prescribe, you must first set up the Rcopia login information (select Office Admin menu Integrated Services E-Prescribe). A check is done to verify whether the Medication History Element and the Medications for this Encounter Element are present.
Set All to No Link For those Elements whose values are either Yes or No and are set by clicking a radio button , all values may be quickly set to No by clicking the Set All to No link in the upper-right corner of the Element.
  • To set a No value to Yes, click the Yes radio button for the desired Element attribute.
  • To clear all values (both Yes and No), click the Clear All link in the upper-right corner of the Element.
Set Normal Values Those Elements that support Normal values display the Set Normal Values for this Element icon in the upper-right corner of the Element.

Click to populate the Element with the Normal values defined for the Element in the Office Admin Encounter Admin Setup Encounter Elements module.

Note: Normal values for an Element must be inputted correctly and should be set up where it makes sense to do so.
Show eFiles Click to display all eFiles associated with this patient.

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