Edit Encounter Element

For an overview of editing an Encounter Element, click here.


  1. Open the Edit Element window (for help, click here).

    • The Edit Element window displays in the Contents Pane.
    • In the Secondary toolbar:

      • The Setup Normal Values button is enabled for those Elements that support Normal values.
      • The View Usage button is inactive.
    • Below the Secondary toolbar:

    • The Element Name field in the Element Details tab is highlighted.
    • The Open Windows list updates to display Edit Element.

  1. Make changes as desired, using the Secondary toolbar buttons, the New Fields list, and/or to the items in the Element Details tab and Element View.
  2. To save changes to the Encounter Element, click the Save button in the Main toolbar.

    • The Edit Element window closes.
    • The View Element window displays in the Contents Pane.
    • View Element replaces Edit Element in the Open Windows list.
  3. To close the Edit Element window without saving changes, click the Cancel button in the Main toolbar.

    • If you have made changes and have not yet saved them, a warning displays, asking you to confirm closing without saving changes. Click the Yes button to confirm.
    • The Edit Element window closes.
    • The View Element window displays in the Contents Pane.
    • View Element replaces Edit Element in the Open Windows list.

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Secondary toolbar

Use to perform these actions:

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When you click a Secondary Toolbar button

Note: When you click a button on the Secondary toolbar from the View Element window:

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Closing a popup window

To close a popup window, do one of the following:

  1. Click the OK button to close and save changes
  2. Click the Cancel button to close without saving changes.

When you close a popup window:

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New Fields List

Use the New Fields list to customize an Encounter Element.

  1. Use the mouse to drag and drop a field from the New Fields list:

    to the Element View:

  2. Use the Alignment Tools to align and resize the added field. Only those tools which are applicable to the selected Element(s) are active (not grayed-out).

  3. To select an existing field in the Element View to edit, click the field.

    • The selected field is highlighted.
    • The applicable Alignment Tool(s) is active. Alignment Tools that are not applicable display as grayed-out.
    • Use the Alignment Tools or mouse to make the desired changes.

  4. To select multiple fields in the Element View to edit, hold the Shift key down as you select multiple fields.
  5. To select all the fields in the Element View to edit:

    1. Hold the Shift key down.
    2. With the mouse, click inside the upper-left corner of the Element View.

    3. Drag the cursor to the lower-right corner of the Element View.
    4. Release the mouse. All fields are selected.

  6. To de-select a field in the Element View, click anywhere outside the field.
  7. To change the look-and-feel of a field, right-click the field.

    • Click Setup Properties.
    • The Edit [Field Name] Properties popup displays.
    • Make the desired changes.
  8. Do one of the following to close the popup:

    • Click the OK button to save changes.
    • Click the Cancel button to close without saving changes.
    • Click the Restore Defaults button to restore default values.

  1. To save changes made using the New Fields list, click the Save button in the Main toolbar.

    • The Edit Element window closes.
    • The View Element window displays in the Contents Pane.
    • View Element replaces Edit Element in the Open Windows list.
  2. To close the Edit Element window without saving changes made using the New Fields list, click the Cancel button in the Main toolbar.

    Note: If you have made changes and have not yet saved them, you will be prompted to confirm whether you wish to close the window without saving the changes.

    • The Edit Element window closes.
    • The View Element window displays in the Contents Pane.
    • View Element replaces Edit Element in the Open Windows list.

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Element Details tab

Use the mouse to make changes to all Element Details fields except History/Exam designation.

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To save changes to the Element

To save changes made using the Edit Element window, you must click the Save button in the Edit Element Main toolbar.

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