View RX Orders

General information

This window displays any Spectacle Lens Orders and Contact Lens Orders for the patient, after they have been transferred from the Final Spectacle Rx's Element and Final Contact Rx's Element of MaximEyes® SQL to the Practice Management software, respectively.

Depending on how the Practice Management System Settings are configured, data is transferred either:

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MaximEyes® Practice Management System (PMS) users

When the data is transferred from a Patient Encounter, if there are both Spectacle Lens Orders and Contact Lens Orders, the user is prompted regarding whether the orders should be kept in the same record or split up into individual records in MaximEyes PMS.

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  1. To view a patient's Prescription Orders (displayed on the View Rx Orders window), you must first find a Patient Record. For help, click here.
  2. For the desired Patient Record, click the View button (or anywhere on the Patient Record row) or click the Edit button .

    • The corresponding Patient Record window (View Patient Record or Edit Patient Record) displays in the Contents Pane.
    • The Patient Navigation list displays the selected patient's name and a navigation tree for accessing the patient's Record, Encounters, Optical, Medications and Cataract Surgery Sheet.

      Note: For those patients who have not had cataract surgery, a message to this effect displays when Cataracts Surgery Sheet is clicked.
  3. In the Patient Navigation list, click the Expand icon next to Optical to expand the navigation tree.

  4. Click View Rx Orders.

    • The View Rx Orders window displays in the Contents Pane.
    • The Patient Name displays below the title of the window.
    • The Spectacle Lens Orders tab displays in the upper-half of the window. This data is view-only.
    • The Contact Lens Orders tab displays in the lower-half of the window. This data is view-only.
    • The Open Windows list displays View Rx Orders.

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Print Prescription

For the prescription you wish to print, click the Print link in the upper-right corner of its screen.

For more information on the Elements from which you can print a prescription, click here.

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